Sunday, April 26, 2015

2015 Poem a Day, Day Twenty Six

Prompt for Day Twenty Six:
For today’s prompt, take a word or two invented by William Shakespeare, make it the title of your poem, and write your poem. Click here for a link to some words coined by Shakespeare, who was baptized on this date in 1564. If the link doesn’t work, here are a few: advertising, bloodstained, critic, dwindle, eyeball, hobnob, luggage, radiance, and zany. He invented more than 1,700!

I went off prompt today because I was toying with the idea of making a puzzle poem yesterday, and this one came alone. The missing letters make a phrase. My brain was very entertained, and I hope yours is, too. (I put the answer in the tags...)

Missing Persons

I knew
when you d_d_'t look back
we were done
Two years of maybes
_wo months of p_omises
Yo_ wouldn't kiss,
not in public
no_ in the s_adow
of outs_ders you woul_
never see again.
Y_u stood in the security li_e
and I watched and wa_ched
and hoped
you never once
looked back
and you grew
there wa_
to _ee

is the gh_st

of _s.  

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