Wednesday, April 1, 2015

2015 Poem A Day, Day One

Here is today's Poem A Day Prompt:
Write a resistance poem. There are many forms of resistance, including militant resistance, resistance to new ideas, the resistance in exercise, and maybe even a little resistance to starting a new project. I hope you don't resist the urge to write a poem today.

I decided to write a poem based on one by Emily Dickinson. Here is a link to her poem, 

"Hope" is a Thing With Feathers 


Desire waits with shining claws
It lurks within the dark
And whispers delicious sweetness
And never rests at all

And loudest in the storm is heart
And sure that it is right
That gives up all it once believed
That it might have the night

I've heard him the darkest place
I've heard his subtle voice
That offers everything you wish

As if you have a choice.

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