Saturday, April 25, 2015

2015 Poem A Day, Day Twenty Five

Prompt for Day Twenty Five:
For today’s prompt, write an across the sea poem. This could be a love letter, an electronic submission through cyber space and time, or a travel poem (by air or sea, though probably not car). Modern travel or back in the days of rugged explorers. Wandering or wondering, your choice. As always, the prompt is just the springboard to your poem; feel free to bend and break.

When I read this prompt, I thought, "Across the sea... acrostic." I chose a phrase and this followed: 

Across the Sea

Summer skies filled with rain
Everyone dashed inside
Only we stood
Under the clouds,

To have known you has
Opened my eyes

Spring hills filled with flowers
And I'm missing you, my friends
Never forgotten

Maybe one day you will come
Across the sea
Remember our Soju promise:
Come see me! Come see me!
Over here in Texas

Still welcome, still in my heart.

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