Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Poem A Day, Day Twenty-Two

Prompt for Day Twenty-Two:
For today’s prompt, write a nature poem. For many poets, the first thing that may pop to mind includes birds, trees, waterfalls, rivers, and such. But there’s also human nature, nature vs. nurture, and other things natural, including natural selection and being a “natural” at something. Let your nature take it where it will today.  

This one is a seasonal poem, more than a nature poem, though there is some overlap. I chose haiku because they are traditionally written about nature. I usually write punny haiku, but I almost refrained from that this time. Almost.


With eyes like orchids,
her gaze sweeps across the fields
pink and gold and blue.


Rough hands and bare feet
where the ocean meets the sand,
he waves his hello


Cinnamon sweetness
caramelized on his tongue
hides the scent of death


Whisper on her lips
A snowflake or a promise:
I am leaving soon.

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